FD is an acronym for contract for difference. CFDs are contracts between the buyer and the seller. The seller is required to pay the buyer the difference between the value at the time of the contract and the value of the asset when the contract expires or is exercised. Investors are able to monitor the market to take advantage of the prices moving up or down within the market. CFDs are currently not accepted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. However, CFDs are offered in the following countries:
• United Kingdom
• Poland
• Portugal
• Germany
• The Netherlands
• Switzerland
• Italy
• Singapore
• South Africa
• Australia
• Canada
• New Zealand
• France
• Spain
• Japan
• Ireland
• Hong Kong (potentially)
CFDs initially began in London and were first featured on the London Stock Exchange in the 1990s. CFDs will be traded over-the-counter with a CFD provider or through a CFD trading platform . CFD providers are typically a CFD broker or a market maker. A market maker is the most common method available to investors. The CFD provider or CFD broker , in this scenario, will set the price for the CFD and make the order. Direct Market Access (DMA) was created for instances where the market maker price did not match the underlying securities price. The CFD provider will trade on the underlying market to match each CFD order. In both scenarios, the investor will not have ownership of the underlying security. Only the CFD will be owned by the investor.
CFD Trading Platform
Several online CFD trading providers offer CFD trading software to assist with CFD trades. A CFD trading platform may be automated to provide maximum flexibility for investors. CFD accounts are managed by allowing investors to set limits and controls for transactions made within the account. This takes some of the guesswork out of investing and some of the waiting and watching. An investor’s CFD trading system is also accessible via smart phones, such as BlackBerry and iPhone.
Global markets may be available through a CFD trading system . Streaming quotes are also available through the system. The information allows individuals to remain up-to-date on their investments. CFD trading software assists investors with making a variety of orders. For instance, some CFD trading software supports multiple order types and other order management tools. Other features on CFD trading software may include:
• Historical Charts
• One Click Trading
• Stops and Limits
• Reports
• Floating Rates
• Flexible Leverage
• Market Orders
• Floating Rates
• Flexible Leverage
• News Reports
• GTS Ticker
Countless other options are also available with CFD trading software . Investors should find a CFD trading system that is congruent with their trading styles and habits. A CFD trading system will significantly simplify the trading process for investors and make it easier to determine entry and exit points into the market. Historical charts are a good indicator of past behavior that will help investors predict future behavior. This will allow investors to make educated decisions about CFD investments.
Investors have the option of generating reports to chart their progress with trading software. This is much easier than keeping a written account or an Excel spreadsheet of your investments. A CFD trading platform and system are essential for any CFD investor entering the market.