As the world becomes increasingly more plugged in to the internet, and the cost of living continues to rise globally, it’s important to diversify your funds to ensure future financial success. Many individuals, citing this need, have begun to seek out different investments throughout South Africa to invest their rand, discovering Binary Options Trading and involvement with these type of investments.
Options trading refers to the engagement of stock exchanges through forex funds, or a compilation of various stocks into one bundle. In South Africa, online option trading is the most economically viable way to trade the forex, often done through binary options trading. Utilizing websites such as share trading, traders in South Africa can access their various binary options and conduct their bets with relative ease.
What is Binary Options Trading?
Binary option trading refers to the process of estimating the calculated price of a stock, and then obtaining that estimate after it has reached that. Often, those trading are done through a binary trading platform. While most stock options trading involves the purchasing of an asset and then waiting on its value to increase, Binary Options trading is different. It is a form of Forex trading, and is often done on the open market. Investors can normally work through specific brokerages, who trade their Binary Options for them. This allows for many investors to sit back and collect their returns. However you can see this isn’t always the case.
How Binary Options It Works
If Investor A predicts that the price of a good will rise a significant amount, while another predicts that it will fall, the gain/loss is determined by what the investor chooses as the correct price. By betting R2000 that it will go down by a set amount, Investor B bets that it will go up by the same amount. In terms of that 2000 rand, Investor A made a bid, while Investor B made a call.
Once that price is achieved, or unachieved, by that set amount of time, the amount bet by each investor is given in regards to what is lost/gained in a turnover. If Investor B was correct, then Investor A will lost their bet/investment and it will be given to Investor B. 15% of the turnover from each Binary Options trade will be deducted towards the firm that helped facilitate the trade.
Trading in South Africa
By using the online platform, share trading in south africa, users are able to stay up to date with their trades. Being provided with a live graphic of market trends, traders can monitor their prices and stay up-to-date with current pressing details. This is indeed a huge advantage for the traders who trade using binary options. While in the past couple decades it was required to.
Trusted binary options brokers
This opportunity enables South Africans to trade online, plugging them into the network of global traders all growing their own investments from the comfort of their own home. As our country is thrust into the digital age, many South Africans are capitalizing on this event with relative ease.
With the turbulence of binary options trading, immediate knowledge of your situation is required, and in the importance of smart-phones in our daily-life, current up-to-date monitoring is now easier than ever.
Unfortunately, often enough, traders who do not have access to the right information or resources find themselves having trouble finding success within the market. Not only this, their opportunities are limited geographically, making trading online the best choice for many residents in South Africa.
What is Binary Options Trading?
Binary Options trading refers to a monetary trading option in which you either get a fixed pay-off, or nothing at all, after placing a bid on what you believe the price of an investment will be at a specific time.
You could purchase into the price of sliver for an investment of 100, hoping that it will rise above a price of 500 by a certain period. If it is reached by this time, you have your investment returned. Often online trading offers additional benefits to your success as well.
First approved in 2008 by the United States, it has long found a home online in which specific brokerages work with investors to increase their revenue potential.
It works through a rapidly fluctuating price system, in which a single option may open at forty-two rand one day and increase exponentially to fifty depending on the market.
However similar, trading online in binary options is different. Done through brokerages, many listed at the bottom of this page,
Why Should I choose Binary Options Trading?
Its accessibility similar to other online trading options, traders are able to log into their accounts using apps or websites such our own at home, or at their office. This comfort differs from traditional investing, or competing on the JSE.
Here, we hope to enable your route to financial success with comprehensible financial resources and tools. With access to what we provide, we will guide you through the best route that fits not only your schedule, but your personal goals.
How do I get started?
In the expansive world of binary options trading, we recognize help might be needed and our support staff is here to help you with any questions you may have through our email.
By choosing one of the links we have provided below, various portals are available for you to start your investment platform. Each are easy to read for even the most inexperienced investor to learn and feel assured that they have made the right choice.
Each represent their own excellent starting point in your journey. Whether that’s through the trading of Oil binary options, or gold, it’s possible for any trader to have a fully diversified portfolio with binary options trading.
For the smart investor, research is key, and the availability of our own research works tremendously well with the links listed below.
More Binary Options Terms.
Fixed Return Option – A FRO is another term for asset-or-nothing, in which when the trade you place is successful that a specific amount of money is returned to the trader. Sometimes traders can promise up to 80% returns, however a return rate of at least 50% is more likely.
Controlled-Risk Trading – Controlled-Risk trading is the process of brokerages or other managers helping an investor manage their funds with a lack of risk for overall loss. In Binary Options trading, this is a typical method of management.
Theoretical Asset Pricing – Theoretical Asset Pricing, also known as Capital Asset Pricing, is the process of using binary options to determine the future price of an asset or security. Utilizing its past price history, it is a model to determine the risk or expected returns of various assets.
Over-The Counter (OTC) – OTC trading, or off-exchange trading, is the process of two parties directly trading with-in each other without the use of an exchange. An exchange, such as the traditional stock exchange, is normally regulated by a government body while the OTC one is not. Binary Options is one of the most common forms of OTC trading.
With the rapidly increasing and decreasing prices of binary options trading, it’s important to consider a few select strategies in order to maximize your profit.
These strategies have been developed over time by both brokerages, and individual traders, specifically to help out the average investor.
5 Step Binary Options Trading Guide
1. Research
The most crucial aspect of learning how to trade binary options is the knowledge behind it, for many investors lack the overall information needed to make successful trades.
Since South Africans are not located close to the global financial markets, the internet offers every piece of information you could need to start.
By knowing more about the subject you want to invest in, the history of its prices and whether or not it is at a current peak price, or the volume of the asset you wish to trade in online, you can increase your chance of success.
Vital to the success of your portfolio, research will also decrease the risk of your exposure to scam-brokerages.
2. Choosing the right trade
Researching enables you to move to the next step, which is determining the type of trade you wish to invest in and then the frequency. After deciding on the right brokerage that you are sure will work for you, you’re free to use their online platform and get started investing.
Specific assets trading do not move as quickly as others, while others drastically change in prices throughout the day and focus more on the overall cash-value. These types of trades are known as asset-or-nothing or cash-or-nothing.
Another helpful tip is to note when each global market opens, and conduct your trades when this happens.
3. Conducting your trading
Brokerages and the websites you use to invest are there to help you grow your money, and you have finished with your research, it’s time to decide on which asset you are going to be trading.
With real-time monitoring through the online platform investors are able to track the asset in which you are investing, often letting you set bids or quotes on the asset you are trading.
If you have purchased oil and believe it will rise $5 in price by the end of the day, the website or brokerage you use will facilitate your trade and take its fee from the trade. Generally this is under twenty-percent.
By doing multiple trades per day, which increases the chance you could make money, you could quickly earn a profit.
4. Managing your funds and Diversifying
As you grow your online binary options portfolio, the need to branch out your funds will arise. This means, instead of just trading in one asset, that you begin to trade in multiple.
Keeping on track of your research will allow you to be sure that you are conducting careful trading. The only way to make a large profit in binary options is through a large amount of trading, which can only be built through growing your existing assets.
As well, it takes a good understanding of money management to succeed in binary options trading.
5. Keep Your Emotions In Check
The key form of binary options trading is to keep track of your emotions, as the price of your asset may decrease significantly below the goal you have set, but this may soon quickly come back to its initial standing.
This often rapid decrease or increase can cause many unweary traders to let go of their investments at a lower price than what they had purchased them for initially, when in reality that price fluctuation could’ve stabilized sooner than they thought.
Binary Options Trading- How to Know when to “Put” or “Call”
After you have bought your first binary options and are ready to begin trading, you will have to make one choice in each trade.In the formula of binary options, you will have to either place a ‘Put’ on your binary option, or a ‘call’ on your trade for your desired outcome.
This choice is pivotal to your success, for if you are correct, then you will see a return from your trading platform or brokerage. If you are unsuccessful however, this unfortunately may not be the case.
For this reason, investors and traders across South Africa study statistics and other data to gain a better understanding of the market. With their extensive research, they have released strategies and other methods of trading that our partners share, and we would like to discuss in more detail.
Due to the rapid fluctuations of the global financial markets, each binary option that is trading on the market is changing in price every second through changes in pips.
When you are deciding to place a put on your Binary Options trade, you are making the assumption that the asset you are trading will go up in price.
The highest form of return through Binary Options, is through specific options pricing. This means you will choose the exact price it will rise to, or a price that is close to it. Typically this form of trading goes against another investor, and whoever is closest to the correct number wins the trade.
While with putting you do not always have to set the specific price you predict your asset to grow to, often times placing a ‘put’ on your binary options simply means you just predict it will go up. Trading platforms that offer this form of trade typically offer a lowered return rate, but with a steadier rate of success.
In order to increase your success, binary options should be placed on ‘Put’ if they are increasingly volatile. If Asset X has a pip graph that rises more often than lowering, notice at what times it is the highest.
Once you have a good understanding of the trading behavior of your asset, you will be able to use this along with other observations to boost your percentage.
To place your binary options trade on ‘call’, you are predicting that the price of it will lower.
It is similar to putting, with only the opposite intention.
Binary Options trading on the market will go through ‘dips’ in which their value is drastically lowered from a steadier price in the past. These dips often repeat themselves during certain times, and can be watched out for. For this reason, if a dip is noticed, it is important to place your option on ‘Call’.
This choice is influenced dramatically by real-world events that may correlate with the value of the asset your Binary Option is trading, and a close eye on the financial markets can reduce the risk of turmoil to your portfolio.
Making your choice
With your research, you will notice trends within your binary option of interest and will have to take note of each. A trader who understands the mathematics behind trading, along with his asset’s trading history, will notice that his risk percentage will be lowered tremendously.
With either call or put options, you will see the same rate of return. For this reason it is up to you to use the strategies we list along with our counterparts, and research your decisions to call or put before you make your first trades.
Breaking down Binary Options
Every year, binary options trading liberate South Africans financially. Although at first glance binary options trading may seem complicated, in application the process of Forex investing is relatively easy and a growing trend that ties South Africa into the global financial market.
How Do Binary Options Trading Work in South Africa
A trader buys into the forex with a base currency, and then sells it at the price they wish as a quote currency – this differentiates the market and influences the price of the forex.
The price is ticked off in measured intervals known as pips, otherwise traded as units. By quoting the select pip you wish to sell or buy your forex, you predict the potential gain. Pushing it down into such tiny intervals allows for a maximized control over the often turbulent pricing of the Forex market.
The investor who predicted that the pip would rise to a specific amount, would place a ‘bid’ on the price, while the investor who wished to sell the forex at another pip would place a ‘call’.
Ultimately, as stated above, the most accurate bid or call takes the bet on the trade with generally 15% to 20% of the trade’s profit going to the firm that helped facilitate the transaction in the first place.
Effectively when you trade a Forex binary options you are buying into the price of one currency against another, as each trade is paired up with another identical trade for the opposite notion.
With the investment of a certain currency, for example your own funds, it is matched against another volatile raising or lowering of price. This enables the Rand to be bought against the USD, Euro, or any global currency.
In short, you are bidding your price against something while another trader is doing the opposite, and whoever is closer to achieving this goal is able to receive the profit while the other receives the loss.
Binary Options Trading Advantages
Placing trades, once limited to the JSE, can be done through the online website that is functioning as your brokerage, or the brokerage yourself, on their own platforms that they provide.
These websites digitally give the tools of the average investor on the JSE, and provide a steady stream of up-to-date information that wouldn’t be found outside of the digitally world.
Through the process of buying into another currency, often investors are able to double their money and see the gains supported by both themselves, and their brokerages.
By bidding on theoretical trading, you are effectively working ahead of the market to achieve profit you desire. You are also competing on a global market against currencies of potential higher or lower value than yours, exposing your overall value to a different level of fluctuation.
With the price of the Forex often depending on multiple currencies, this pushes the pip up and down depending on that options position in the market. By trading the Rand against the USD for instance, which has a higher monetary value, an investor would be able to double their money.
Along with this, binary options traders do not have to bid the full price of a forex and simply buy it in pips. This form of investing negates the need a large amount of capital (although the typical movement of pips is in units of 1000) and can see returns grow quickly.
Other investments, such as trading traditional stocks on the JSE, are conducted on a much slower basis. They are limited to specific areas of interest and do not offer the robust diversity that binary options trading does.
Binary options and Forex trading FAQs
It is important for any trader wishing to begin investment in binary options to conduct extensive research before beginning. This is why we’re here to help you.
How do I get started?
After registering your account with one of the websites we’ve provided, along with giving the information required to be entered, any trader is able to begin investing. Accounts are generally free on most websites, making it easy for anyone to sign up.
By linking your account with your bank account, you can place a small amount of funds in your investment account to be redistributed into investments. With some websites your account can begin investing with as little as a 12 rand deposit, but generally deposits range from six hundred to over one thousand rand.
What can I trade in?
With binary option investing, you can bid on the price of nearly anything. Many investors see the most success in the industrial field.
Others bid on the price of specific companies to even the potential real estate value of buildings.
Open twelve hours a day, the market operates and places its trades from 22 GMT to 22 GMT.
How do I place a trade?
By using the websites we provide, we make it easy for you to navigate the trading process and conduct your business.
What are the dangers of binary options trading?
With any investment comes risk, however dangers can be significantly minimized by using the right tools and choosing the right investments. Due to the gambling nature of the independent market, it’s possible to lose a large part of your investment if you are not careful enough.
How can I protect after these dangers?
By choosing the correct brokerage, or the one that fits the most to you, you can feel assured that a general rule of ethics comes into place. They protect for future financial disasters, as well as direct your binary options investments on a day-to-day basis.
Generally it is hard for your investment to lose a significant amount of money, as the brokerage you’ve chosen will normally not let you lose more money than what was initially placed into the account. This means you can feel confident to trade on the market, without the risk of losing it all if you operate independently. This functions for many websites available for binary options trading as well.
What if I want to go independent?
Many South African binary options traders, working through online websites such ourselves, work as their own brokerages and use the websites support staff as their guide for any potential problem. By sending a question, or concern you may have, your problem could potentially be addressed.
What is a pip?
A pip is how traders track and measure the price movement of an asset, broken down into a micro interval. Typically, a pip is worth one unit of the currency it is trading in.
How can my small investment grow?
After investing, you are able to place trades in intervals. If you bid that the price of gold will rise $10 from $40, and you find that you are correct, you will gain the $10 that you bid. Over time your success in doing so will grow your funds to whatever amount you wish, and can be diversify to include multiple trades at one time.
How can I find the support team?
By using our own email listed, as well as the email and live-chats in the websites we have available, access to the support that you need is possible.
- Binary Options Trading in South Africa
- Binary Trading Options on Mobile
- Frequently Asked Questions on Forex Trading
- Hedging in Binary Options Trading
- How to Approach Losses in Binary Options trading
- How to Determine Your Stop-Loss Strategy in Binary Options
- Methods of calculating Risk Management
- Quick Tips for Getting Started with Binary Options
- Using Mathematical Formulas to Boost Your Trades
- Why Binary Options is better than Forex Trading